MarketTrend Advisors Quarterly Client Update

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October 2024

Dear Clients and Friends,

Stock market bulls got just about everything they wished for in the third quarter. After years of hand-wringing about how narrow the market has been, the third quarter saw a marked shift in market breadth with a number of previously lagging sectors showing strength. Small-cap, mid-cap, international, and even emerging markets all posted strong gains while the long-leading tech sector took a breather. The result was a series of new highs in the equal-weighted indexes, finally matching the new highs achieved by the traditional S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 indexes.

Further invigorating the bulls was a strong rebound from both a normal market pullback and a sudden market shock. The former came when soft economic data suggested that the Federal Reserve might be too late in cutting interest rates, leading to the feared “hard landing” where the economy loses steam too quickly. The market shock came from a surprise Bank of Japan action that briefly unnerved investors sending the Japanese stock market down more than 10% in a span of three days. Both of those market drops were quickly reversed higher by buyers. Finally, the historically treacherous month of September saw markets overcome investor worry and post solid gains. A sudden and dramatic change in China’s monetary policies provided a massive tailwind to global stocks late in the quarter. Thus, record highs, improved breadth, a hugely market-friendly move by China, and the Fed finally reducing interest rates all came together to leave the bulls feeling very good going into the fourth quarter.

And that fourth quarter is often a very nice one, especially in an election year. Once the uncertainty of the election passes, investors typically feel much better putting money to work. The chart below shows how uncertainty and weakness just before the election gives way to a strong finish to the year, on average.

In a broader look, markets are following their typical election year seasonal path. Election years tend to be quite strong, on average, and 2024 has followed that script as Fidelity’s chart below shows. However, the subsequent year offers a bumpy, ultimately flat year, historically.

Investor obsession with the pace and timing of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts finally got some resolution in the third quarter. By quarter’s end, after months of anticipation, investors got the long-awaited shift in Federal Reserve policy. With inflation subdued, the Fed cut short-term interest rates by 0.5% and noted they were turning their attention to possible labor market weakness. (Note: the U.S. central bank is unique in carrying a dual mandate to focus on both inflation and employment. Most central banks are concerned only with inflation.). Interestingly, since the Fed’s cut in late September, mid and longer-term interest rates have gone almost straight UP as economic data has recovered quickly from the summer swoon. Interest rates remain well below their highs of a year ago, of course. The market expects the Fed to post another 0.5% reduction over the remainder of 2024.

The forecasted reduction in interest rates in coming quarters along with a slowdown in inflation is expected to push corporate earnings to double-digit growth. With the stock market on the expensive side, it’s very likely that the above scenario for a bumpy, flat 2025 plays out. That would allow earnings to “catch up” to stock market valuations setting the stage for the next significant move upward.

As we go to press, there are a number of risks swirling around, from the geopolitical risk posed by the ongoing action around Israel as well as the refinancing risk posed by small companies, in particular, as they roll over a mountain of debt; and the prospect for changes in tax policy as the pandemic-driven tax reductions expire. Any or all of these have the potential to weigh on markets in the coming weeks and months. Nonetheless, the bigger picture is one of a solid economy and a solidly bullish market environment. As has been said many times, record stock market highs are not bearish. So, we proceed accordingly while always being ready to proactively protect against any significant downward shift in market tone.

If you have any questions, or need to discuss any changes to your portfolio, please let us know. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!

To future profits,

Don Lansing
Chief Investment Officer.

Garrett Beauvais
Portfolio Manager

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About MarketTrend Advisors

MarketTrend Advisors is an investment advisory firm that specializes in the trend-following strategies outlined in this report. We offer a variety of strategies that can be used to build portfolios to meet almost any investment objective. We divide our strategies into two main groups: "Long" strategies and "Trend" strategies. The Trend strategies follow the trend up or down. The "Long" strategies are typical investment portfolios that usually remain fully invested, potentially raising cash or moving to income-focused investments when the market is weak. We have a variety of "Long" strategies depending on how aggressive or conservative you want to be. These strategies will make their money when the market is moving higher. The "Trend" strategies will provide protection in a down market and add to gains in an up-trending market. By combining the Long and Trend strategies you get all the components needed to build a successful long-term portfolio:
  1. A portfolio invested in the best performing indexes, ETFs, or stocks
  2. Substantial exposure to global growth through international holdings
  3. Protection for your overall portfolio from down-trending markets When the market is going up, you benefit as aggressively as you wish.
When the market is going down, your assets are protected, or even profiting. Over time, you will see returns that exceed the market if only by AVOIDING market corrections and bear markets. By using one of our more aggressive long strategies in an uptrend, you will see even better performance.

  1. MarketTrend Advisors, Ltd. is an independent registered in the States of California, Florida, New York and Texas.
  2. Other Securities Industry Affiliations or Activities. MarketTrend Advisors, is not registered as a broker or dealer, nor do we have any partners or employees who are affiliated with any broker or dealer. See Form ADV, Part II for official declarations.
  3. MTA portfolio strategies assume risk and no assurance is made that investors will avoid losses. No representation is made that clients will or are likely to achieve profits or incur losses comparable to those shown. Performance results are shown for illustration and discussion purposes only. The performance information has not been audited. However, the information presented is believed to be accurate and fairly presented. All performance figures in this presentation are net of management fees and commissions. Management fees are charged to actual client accounts on a monthly basis. Accounts include both taxable and non-taxable IRA accounts.
  4. Regarding the MTA Blend strategy: This strategy was migrated into the MTA Wealth Builder strategy and closed in December 2008.
  5. Regarding actual performance: Actual performance for all strategies includes all commissions as well as management fees (fees range from 1% to 2%). Actual performance statistics are based on the inception date of each strategy through the end of the last business day of the most recent month listed in the monthly performance section of this report. Starting with Q4, 2006, returns include only assets of Fidelity clients who were fully invested in their respective strategies. Returns before Q4, 2006 include all Fidelity client assets regardless of investment status. Results do not include the assets of clients at other brokerage firms.
  6. Regarding future performance: Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, you should not assume that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable or equal to corresponding past performance levels.
  7. S&P 500 refers to the Standard & Poor's 500 Large-Cap Corporations Index. The index is designed to measure performance of the broad based US market and consists of 500 American companies. This index is used for comparative purposes only. (Data is taken from Yahoo! Finance.)
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